Sailing Again

Hello! This blog focuses mainly on me, rather the things that i have achieved so far! Or even things that makes me happy everyday :D and due to the changed of home ( referring to my blogs, formerly i owned '' from Rose-chan's domain circa 2010-11 i think? ) and I've been looking for a new home when the host got shut down, still have the backup entries, but I've decided to make everything from scratch again and after thinking so hard, rather buying my own domain, which i'm not sure if i can keep that up for life lol, i ended up signing here! for cases like it will exist for a lifetime *cries* and i can do backread when im old lol

Well anyway! This blog originally started around 2011, but due to some reason i've abandoned it. BUT I'm pretty sure i can manage to run this blog now!

NOTE : What you see is what you get, this is all about me and my unbelievable hobbies!

Layout : Formerly an OP Theme, but decided to make it simple in the end! *Cheers

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kaname and Reika Cosplayer Meet and greet!

Meeting kaname really made my day! ♥ I really tried my best to contain my feelings when i'm about see him face to face! ITS REALLY HARD as in my kokoro goes toki doki in every seconds! kalsjdkasjd *DRINKKKK ANRIE!* When i'ts my turn to take a picture with him he said to me "KONNICHIWA NEE? *while smiling* /i almost died... i replied back then said to him "Konnichiwa Kanamechi you so kakkoi desu!! *adds in my mind- can i eat u? LOL*, then he replied *ah! arigatou nee* then we SHAKE/HOLDS hands! yes!! *DRINKKK ANRIEE!* then after that i got some autograph! and i cnt stop staring at him, cus he's always smiling askdjalksdj! But yea i tried to get a good angle of him in my area. Here's le pics! Well, i almost gve up on buying a ticket fr ths event, i even post spams at random pages! But i prayed to god and he gave me 2 days before the event! Kamisama daisuki daisuki! I want to meet him again~ Cheers fr the pics!

with Anjeline Sayoc! New friend!

This is Reika~ \(>o<)/ i never expected to spot him there tho! Ureshii!

This is Kanamecchi!

Autograph frm Kaname and The choco bar he gave us!



1 comment:

  1. How fun! Lucky you!!!!
    emm I wanna ask...
    is meet and greet everyone can take a photo with him? or just for a selected people? thankchuu ><
